I remember as a kid I was always told in school you have to set goals and each goal you set you need to have it completed by certain age milestones in your life, talk about pressure! As I have gotten older I have realized that life doesn’t always work out the way we expect or plan. Life can hand you some really big lemons, so in my journey I have had to learn to adapt that way of thinking and adjust it to where I am currently in my life. At 21 I found out I was pregnant, which was not part of my life plan especially at that age, living 3000 miles from my family in Rhode Island, courtesy of the US Navy. So at 21, I became a single Mom, needless to say my “plans” did not quite work out the way I envisioned them at that time in my life but a job I would not trade for anything in the world! . In fact, I had some bumps in the road that made me question everything I was doing in that moment, but I got up after every knock down, dusted myself off and went back out in the world and took a different route. I am now in my 40’s, I have a wonderful husband who has been an amazing Stepdad to our 24 year old son and as I look back on those times I see them with a different perspective. If I did not go through those tough times it would not have brought me to where I am today! I have always loved all things in fashion and beauty. When I first started this blog, I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to take it, to be honest, this blog started off VERY different, dark I would say. Over the last 3 years I have started to see the path I needed to take to bring my blog where it is now. After a lot of research I found that there are not many blogs/vlogs for women my age, and that started me in the direction I should have been on all along. So it brings me back to the thought that you are NEVER too old to start a new dream. I have subscribed to a lot of beauty/makeup/skincare YouTube vloggers and it got me thinking, I can do what these beautiful women in their 20’s and 30’s are doing, after all, beauty and fashion is timeless, there is no age limit despite the image of most magazines there is NO LIMIT! So today I have changed up my blog to reflect the loves that I have had since I was a teenager excited to get her first Seventeen magazine in the mail! So Welcome to my redesigned Sassy Caty Blog, I hope everyone can relate to what I share and I am happy to announce that I will have a YouTube channel very soon. I hope that I can bring a smile to your face and know that all women, no matter your shape, age or size are timeless in your own beauty!
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself” ~ Coco Chanel