

Winter Makeup Vibes Have Arrived!

Winter is coming! The air is crisp and the leaves are falling with so many hues of gold, red, burgundy and browns!  Warm colors are now in demand! Eyes: Lorac Pro Palette 2 Brows: Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Whiz in “Dark Brown” Lips: Trestique in “Florence Fig” Photo Credit: Sassy Caty Happy Winter Everyone! Ciao […] Read more…

hand care

Oh My Cuticles!

It’s summer time, and through out this season, your hands can get dry and so can your precious cuticles.  It’s important to always keep your cuticles soft and supple because they generate new nail growth.  Taking care of them can be a delicate process, but if you have an amazing manicurist, they will know how […] Read more…

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