hand care

It’s summer time, and through out this season, your hands can get dry and so can your precious cuticles.  It’s important to always keep your cuticles soft and supple because they generate new nail growth.  Taking care of them can be a delicate process, but if you have an amazing manicurist, they will know how to properly care for them.  As a celebrity manicurist this is the one area I am most gentle with and it helps to have a good cuticle remover to help keep them healthy.

One of my favorite cuticle removers is Blue Cross Cuticle Remover.  It really helps get cuticle skin that forms on your nails off, helping to keep good, healthy nail growth.  i usually get mine at Sally’s Beauty Supplies, you do not need a lot, a little goes a long way.

Blue Cross

Rub the remover onto each nail and cuticle and soak in warm water for a few minutes.  Remove nails from water, gently wipe each nail and use an orange stick, gently push in upward strokes on the nail bed towards the cuticle.  Using a cuticle nipper, carefully remove only the skin from the nail bed, do not nip your cuticles.


After finishing up your manicure, rinse each nail, using a nail brush, dry each finger and apply cuticle oil to each nail and a cuticle butter of your choosing.  I absolutely love Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cream and Lush’s Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter.  Apply either creams to your nails and cuticles and follow up with your favorite hand lotion. I use both of these creams every day, keeps my nails looking amazing!

Burts Bees Lush Lemony

Taking good care of your cuticles helps promote healthy growth and maintaing weekly manicures will always keep your hands and nails looking beautiful!

For more information on the products discussed, please visit the websites below.

Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter


Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream


Blue Cross Cuticle Remover



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