
live life

Disconnect And Live

A friend of mine recently talked about being in the moment of life, really appreciating all that life offers and has, learning to accept your circumstances and to live.  It got me thinking, we are all so connected by modern technology that we do not allow ourselves to enjoy all the beauties life here offers […] Read more…


My Obsession With All Things Disney

Most of my close friends know that I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE anything Disney, and some will even say that most Disney Trivia I know too.  Yes, I admit I am obsessed with all things Disney.  How could I not be, I grew up in California, almost every year for my birthday or Christmas holidays, […] Read more…


Raising My Marine

I remember the day I got the call from my Dr’s office to confirm that I was pregnant. I have to say I was in shock! I was 21 years old, in the Navy, living in Rhode Island. I was very far from home, my home was California, so living in Rhode Island was very […] Read more…

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