Rainy day

You know those days, when it’s cold and wet and all you want to do is get under a warm blanket, have a fire going and just relax and enjoy the wonders of Mother Nature in all her glory, listening to the rain?  I LOVE days like those and thankfully here in southern California we have been getting some much needed rain.  So on those kind of days is when I love to go to my favorite social past time getaways, well here are some of my favorite social past times.

Healthy Living Power Couple

Sitara Hewitt

SitaraFor those of you who may not know her, she’s the wife to fitness expert Jessie Pavelka.  I absolutely LOVE this woman.  She has the best site and advice for women.  It’s packed with helpful tips and tricks for helping us women stay our best, always.  She lives and promotes a healthy, holistic life. When Sitara is not providing us with this amazing advice, she is a Mother, Actress and Speaker. Visit her site and subscribe, you will find her advice will become very valuable to your daily routine.  http://www.sitarahewitt.com/

Jessie Pavelka

Jessie P

Most of you know Jessie and well if you don’t, you need to now!  I have been blessed to work with him and am honored to call him friend.  He is a fitness expert in weight loss and is currently traveling and working overseas in the UK and Ireland promoting well being, fitness and health. He recently hosted a show in the UK , “Fat, The Fight Of My Life”.  Similar in some aspects to our Biggest Loser here in the States, Jessie and his team work with those battling severe obesity. Helping them reach their fitness goals, with diet, exercise and completely transforming change in their everyday lifestyle.  He makes it his mission to help those find the healthy person inside and to direct them to a better, healthy life. Want some amazing, healthy tips on exercise, eating and being a part of the Pavelka Health Revolution, go to his pages and subscribe.  You can sign up for his monthly newsletter and follow all that Jessie is doing!  If you live in the UK you can visit his site at https://pavelka.co.uk.  Here in the States, http://jessiepavelka.com

Favorite Instagrams


mommasgonecityI LOVE this instagram. Jessica Shyba became very popluar with her pictures of her son sleeping with their dog Theo.  The two taking naps together have captured so many hearts that I could not help and follow this amazing woman and her gorgeous pictures.  Her pictures just captures her life and Theo is just that cute icing on the cake that makes you wonder is this dog a dog or human?   You can also follow her on her blog as well http://www.mommasgonecity.com.



This is for all the gorgeous accessories and fashion ideas.  I love their daily posts of fashion, it makes me wish for spring already.  Their site has everything a girl could want with reasonable pricing so you won’t feel too guilty buying everything.  Visit their site at http://www.chichime.com



Amel Larrieux Station

Amel Larrieux

Amel Larrieux was part of the band Groove Theory and I LOVE listening to her Pandora station especially on a rainy day as this.  Her sound is a neo soul, smooth and relaxing.  You can put this station on and sit, relax and accompany your mental getaway with a nice glass of wine, a good book and just chill.

These are just some of my past time places I like to go to when it’s raining. Whatever your social past time you choose hopefully they are thought provoking, something you can learn from and good for your soul.

To follow Jessie Pavelka and Sitara Hewitt on social media:





Sitara Hewitt


Jessie Pavelka





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