Yes, I am back and I know it’s been a while! I’ve been quite busy and I hope not to be away this long again! That being said, I have had an amazing summer and wanted to share some new beauty and health products I have incorporated into my daily routine. I recently turned 46, […] Read more…
What’s In Your Tea Cup?
I have always liked tea until about a year and a half ago I fell in love with it and all its benefits thanks to a friend of mine. I started following her on Twitter and noticed a picture one day that she posted, showing the most beautiful tea I have ever seen, a blooming […] Read more…
Calgon, PLEASE Take Me Away ~ Taking Time For Yourself!
Do you ever have days where you just want to be left alone, you NEED your space from everyone, without interruption? YES, I have days like that often! It’s not that I do not LOVE my family and friends, but there are days where I need to recharge my batteries, take a LONG bath, read […] Read more…
Saving For A Rainy Day Social Past Times
You know those days, when it’s cold and wet and all you want to do is get under a warm blanket, have a fire going and just relax and enjoy the wonders of Mother Nature in all her glory, listening to the rain? I LOVE days like those and thankfully here in southern California we […] Read more…
So Is 40 REALLY The New 30?
I know I know, we hear it all the time being said by women in our 40’s. “Your 40’s are your new 30’s!” Well, I have to admit, I am fortunate to not look my age, at all! Most people do not believe I have a son that is going to be 23 this year, […] Read more…
Beauty Tip ~ Homemade Scrubs for Hands, Feet and Face
This winter season here in California really has not been what I would call winter like, but my skin is extremely dry! Now I have bought many scrubs being a licensed manicurist, and some that been amazing, but quite expensive. Being the experimental person that I am, I went to my kitchen and dibble dabbled […] Read more…