This winter season here in California really has not been what I would call winter like, but my skin is extremely dry! Now I have bought many scrubs being a licensed manicurist, and some that been amazing, but quite expensive. Being the experimental person that I am, I went to my kitchen and dibble dabbled in my pantry. Coconut oil is an amazing oil. It has so many nutrients that your skin loves because of it’s fatty acid oils, your skin will love it’s rich nourishment. Olive oil has it own benefits as well, both oils are a great addition to homemade facial scrubs. So I started to experiment with sugars, both brown and white, oatmeal, honey and coconut oil and BAM, homemade scrubs that are amazing for your face, hands and feet to help battle dryness your feeling during this winter season.
Oatmeal, Honey and Coconut Oil Facial Scrub
1 cup of Oatmeal (use a food processor to breakdown the oatmeal to a finer consistency)
1 tbsp honey
1/4 cup Coconut Oil (melted, soften in the microwave at 15 seconds)
Blend together to make a paste. (if you want a thinner consistency add more coconut oil)
Note: You can also add tbsp fresh lemon juice and 1/2 avocado to your facial scrubs too.
Rub gently on clean skin for about 2 mins and let sit on your face about 3 mins, rinse, pat dry your face and apply your moisturizer of choice.
Your face feels AMAZING!!! Keep in mind you should only use facial scrub once a week.
Love your mani’s and pedi’s. I know I do, but again feet and hands get dry. In between your mani’s and pedi’s you can make your own brown or white sugar hand and foot scrub, easy peasy!
Brown Or White Sugar Hand and Foot Scrub
1 cup of either brown or white sugar
1/2 cup of olive oil
1 tsp of essential oils (optional, i.e Vitamin E, Peppermint or any essential oils of your choice)
1 tsp of honey (optional)
Rub on your hands, wash off with warm water, pat hands and feet dry and apply your choice of hand and foot lotion. Your hand and feet will feel amazing!
These inexpensive homemade scrubs are easy to make and help you feel your most beautiful.
Be your most beautiful!